Free HEIC Converter

How to Install Bitwar HEIC Converter Software for Free?

Bitwar HEIC Converter is an efficient and free professional converter which converts HEIC images to JPG, PNG or other supported formats. Besides, you can choose whether to keep the EXIF information of the photo or not. To save your time, using this software, you can select multiple images at the same time to convert.

Let’s look at the tutorial below on how to install Bitwar HEIC Converter Software for free on Window 10/8/7 and Mac!

Tutorial To Install Bitwar HEIC Converter

Step 1. Go to our Offical Website: and click “Download for Windows” or “Download for Mac” depend on your system requirement.


Step 2. When finish download, double click the installer icon to start the installation.

Step 3. If you wish to set a different path location, click “Browse” and select your path destination. Then, tap on “One-click” to install the software.

Install Now

Step 4. When the installation is complete, click “Launch Now” to start the software.

Launch Now

Step 5. A window will pop on, which is the main interface of the software. You can start converting your HEIC images by adding files into the software!

Main interface

Hope you find our tutorial is easy and fun! If you need any further assistance or help, always feel free to contact our customer support!

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